NCERT Syllabus Now Available In Leanvita Animated Software


What is Learnvita?

Hello teachers and students,
Learnvita is animated online software for study in classroom. This software is made by Media-Pro team. You can use this software with the help of internet connection. You can use this animated software for free. This software has animated study lessons in Gujarati language of Std. 1 to 10. You can see all subjects of Std. 1 to 5 and four main subjects of Std. 6 to 10. Those subjects are Mathematics, Science, Social Science and English. This is totally free software for use. If you don't know about this software then download this software by reading last section of this post.

NCERT Syllabus In Leanvita

New NCERT syllabus in Gujarati is now available in Learnvita. Teachers are much awaited for this wonderful update by Learnvita team. You can browse new Maths and science few chapters in Learnvita software.
How to get new syllabus in Learnvita? Follow below steps for get new updated. (Note :- This instruction is for them who used Learnvita earlier)
  • Open your Learnvita software.
  • You are now asking for Learnvita Update. Click on updater and select Yes.
  • Now, new update will download to your computer or laptop.
  • Then, sign in using your username and password.
  • Hurray!!! You can see new syllabus as per NCERT in menu.

How To Download Learnvita Software?

If you don't have Learnvita software then you can download this software by following below steps.
Leanvita download and install steps in Gujarati video :- Click here and see

  • First of all, go to official website of Learnvita or click
  • You can see the download button after click on above link. Click on download button and download the .exe file to your computer. Please note this is the .exe file for windows PC only.
  • Now, open your download location and click on .exe setup file of Leanvita. Then install it.
  • Go to your desktop, you can see Leanvita shortcut there. Click on that.
  • After click, the software will starts. You will be asked for Username and password.
  • If you are using first time, then click on Create Account. Then one box will come.
  • Choose any username and password and one security question and give answer of it.
  • Fill up basic details and then click on Create account. You will get success message at End.
  • Now, remember this username and password for future sign-in.
  • Click on standard and subject from left side and chapter and topics from right side. 

So, this is the complete guide about Learnvita animated software. Hope you like the post.