Hello friends, aadhar number is 12 digit unique number of every person in India. It is unique number of evry person who is citizen of India. You can get your aadhar card by applying on nearest aadhar enrollment centre with necessary proofs.
Aadhar card is very important in our daily life now. But, if we lost our aadhar card and don't remember aadhar number or EID number. Then, by using following steps you can get aadhar UID number or registration EID number direct to your phone. Condition for get aadhar number on phone is that your mobile number or email id is registered in aadhar. So let's see how to get your aadhar number in your phone. Follow below steps for getting aadhar number number on phone.
This is the full process to get aadhar number in your phone if it was lost. Visit this website daily for more information about aadhar card and more online services. Visit www.ictgujarat.com for more.
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Steps For Get Aadhar Number On Phone :-
- Step - 1 : You have to visit official website of aadhar then find option of getting aadhar number. For go directly, click this link.
- Step - 2 : You can see three coloums from left to right. In first coloum select UID, if you want to get aadhar number. Select EID, if you want to get registration EID number.
- Step - 3 : Now come to the middle part. Enter you name as in aadhar card. Then enter your email id or mobile number. (Please note that you have to enter email or mobile number which is registered to aadhar)
- Step - 4 : Enter the code given in box. Then click on 'Send OTP' button.
- Step - 5 : Check your email/mobile messege inbox. You can get OTP number for confirmation.
- Step - 6 : Go to third coloum. You can see OTP box. Enter OTP from mobile/email in that box. Then click on 'Verify OTP'. You almost done!!! You can get your aadhar UID or EID number in your phone.
This is the full process to get aadhar number in your phone if it was lost. Visit this website daily for more information about aadhar card and more online services. Visit www.ictgujarat.com for more.